So, which is the best hoverboard available as of today?
Till some time back many self balancing scooters that are also known as hoverboards have been causing many fire accidents and explosions, while also being enormously popular.
For quite some time I have been thinking about buying a hoverboard, but all the fire hazards and the accidents have kept me away from it. Though I attempted to find out what was the safest or the best hoverboard, I was put off by all the reports about the hoverboards being unsafe and dangerous.
A few months back however, I finally made up my mind to buy myself a really good hoverboard and I also came by some extra money due to a bonus at my work place. I wanted to get the best hoverboard and move around in it, and I wanted to do it quickly. However I did not want to compromise on safety.
When I got down to some serious researching (read surfing the internet at odd times in the night), I came to know about the Swagtron hoverboards. These new hoverboards from Swagway were the next generation hoverboards that will not catch fire. In fat they had been extensively tested against any fire or quality issues.
I read a couple of pretty detailed SwagTron reviews especially a pretty detailed SwagTron T1 review, that had me pretty convinced. It seems like it is the safest hoverboard around today.
These SwagTron hoverboards that I read about also have special SwagTron Coupon that gives me a $10 discount. This is really a great hoverboard deal, and in fact there was a Swagway coupon for the Swagway X1 at a really low price.
As I further continued my research I found that there was a pretty good Skque hoverboard too that was a UL 2272 approved Skque hoverboard.
I need a hoverboard that will be able to take my weight, and the SwagTron hoverboards and the Skque seemed to be fine in that regard. At one time I was keen on a 10 inch wheel hoverboard but now I would rather prefer a safe next generation UL 2272 approved hoverboard.
My friend from my office who is also a drinking partner has expressed an interest in buying a hoverboard. She is quite hung up on getting a good looking one, and the best looking one is the SwagTron T3. Again I found a SwagTron T3 coupon which gives me a $10 discount.
I have a good choice with me now, and I am wondering what I am going to finally zoom in on. Anyways I will write again soon to tell you just what I finally did. Ciao!
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