How much is a hoverboard in 2016?
Well hoverboard prices of the good hoverboards which are UL 2272 certified and listed on Amazon range from anywhere between $390 to $500.
There are other UL 2272 certified hoverboards too like the Skque, which is priced at about $399, but it is available on the Skque website only.
On Amazon the stylish new Razor Hovertrax 2.0 which is UL 2272 certified and also has the Ever Balance Technology to keep is steady and make it easier to ride, comes for approximately $398. The Swagtron hoverboards are available for $399 for the T1 and $499 for the T3, with the T3 having Bluetooth speakers and a smartphone app along with other additional features.
Currently there is a sale going on for the Monorover 2, which is selling at a 50%discount and is priced at just $299. You can check out the Monorover 2 here.
The Monorover hoverboards have been around for a long time, and are quite reliable, I feel that they are getting into the next phase by aiming for a UL 2272 certification for their hoverboards.
Amongst the UL 2272 hoverboards available on Amazon, another one is the Powerboard by Hoverboard. This cool looking hoverboard is actually the most popular right now on Amazon. You can check out the Powereboard here.
How much is a Powerboard? It is for approximately $349. Thsi makes it the most affordable UL 2272 certified hoverboard right now. It is well worth checking out the Powerboard UL 2272 hoverboard.
Yet another hoverboard that is selling on Amazon, but which cannot be called a classic hoverboard is the Segway miniPRO. This is more like a regular hoverboard but with a control stick in the middle. This control stick is for your knees, to control the direction of the hoverboard. It is an interesting variation and is quite like the original Segway pared down to the bare minimum. It costs slightly more than the others at a little above $700, but you should have a look at the Segway miniPRO too.
So how much are hoverboards in 2016?
Looking at the available brands that seem to be serous about staying int he market and upgrading to the new UL 2272 standards, which is required by law now, to sell in USA, we feel the range is going to stay between $350 and $550 for most of the hoverboards. If you are planning on buying a hoverboard, now or for the coming Christmas, then go in only for a UL 2272 hoverboard, and if possible just pick one up from Amazon.
Do have a look at one of my previous posts called Which is the best hoverboard available today, to get a perspective of how things are changing fast.
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